Student Life
As each student is an individual created in the image of God, all have the potential to learn and to develop their abilities. It is the wish of the staff that each student reaches their God given potential academically, physically, socially and spiritually so that they become effectively equipped for God’s service.
To “Grow up into Christ” requires time to focus on Spiritual development. All staff at GCC have a personal relationship with Jesus and from this relationship they interact, teach and mentor students. Students are encouraged throughout the day to develop their relationship with Jesus so they too will find fulfillment and belonging using their skills, gifts and abilities in the body of Christ. Spiritual development happens both informally and formally. Informally throughout the day as staff interact with students by teaching the curriculum and formally through devotions, chapel and Biblical study classes.
GCC has a strong academic reputation. This has been demonstrated continually through excellent NAPLAN, HSC and academic competition results. Usually, the results are better than Opportunity Class schools and most partial selective schools. Each student is God’s workmanship created with unique gifts, talents and skills (Ephesians 2:10). We aim to equip the individual student to take the place that God has prepared for them.
It is imperative that students undertake plenty of exercise to ensure that their bodies are in good shape for academic work and mental health. The PE program allows for exercise and intense physical activity, and students are encouraged to have an active lunch break. Additionally, there are many opportunities for representing the school in gala days and zone sporting carnivals.
Students are much better placed for school work when they have a few minutes to mix with their peers and catch up on all the latest news before entering the classroom. When in the playground students are encouraged to make connections across grades. Opportunities such as school camps, sporting carnivals and elective subjects allow time for students to mix and enjoy each others company.