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If you’d like to see more of GCC, we’d love to hear from you. Visitors are always most welcome to visit the school to view the grounds and see classrooms in action during the day.

How To Enrol

Step 1: Online Enrolment Application
Our ‘Online Enrolment Application‘ is the first step to enrolling your child at GCC. Please fill out the form and our office staff will be in contact with you about the availability of places.

Step 2: Enrolment Application Fee
When the school receives the completed application form and the $25 application fee, we will add your child’s name and contact details to the list of prospective students for the relevant year.

Step 3: Student Interview
Parents/caregivers, along with the child hoping to enrol at the school, may be invited to an enrolment interview with the Principal.

Please note, an interview does not guarantee an offer of a place.

Step 4: Offer Of Place
Once the school has received all relevant documentation, parents may receive an official offer of a place.*

To accept the offer, parents must sign the ‘Acceptance of Enrolment Form’ and pay the non-refundable enrolment fee of $250 per child (capped at $500 per family).

*The number of places offered reflects the number of positions available. We will advise parents if we are offering a place, if we are placing their child on a waiting list, or if we are not able to consider their child for a place.

Age Cut-Offs

Kindergarten: Your child must turn 5, by 30 April.
Year 7: Your child must turn 12, by 30 April.

Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the principal. If your child does not meet the age requirements but you would like to discuss an exception, please contact the office.


A Final Note

GCC wants to ensure that student enrolments are as efficient and easy as possible. If parents have particular circumstances that would make it difficult for them to go through the above-mentioned process, please contact to discuss their particular needs.